BCTech organizes Career Day and Graduation Ceremony for 436 students
Date Submitted: 03/07/2022
On July 2, 2022, Ba Ria – Vung Tau College of Technology (BCTech) held a graduation ceremony for 436 students, intermediate and regular college students. The job fair held on the same day also attracted 34 businesses to participate, with many attractive job positions.
Principal Truong Huynh Nhu awarded diplomas to the students
70% of students get a job right before graduation
The above number is no longer a surprise to Ba Ria – Vung Tau College of Technology because over the years, with the motto “practice, practice, bright future”, linking the training model between the schools. and businesses, training according to “orders” the school always meets the personnel needs of businesses in Ba Ria – Vung Tau province and other provinces and cities.
Whether at the college or intermediate level of training, 100% of Ba Ria – Vung Tau College of Technology students in training professions are sent to practice enterprises. The school always attaches importance to and creates the best opportunity for students to integrate into the real working and practice environment at enterprises. Theoretical time at school only accounts for about 30%, the remaining 70% of students experience practical skills at enterprises. Experiencing the process of studying and working, BCTech students are always evaluated by businesses for having a good study attitude and a spirit of curiosity. Therefore, the vocational skills of BCTech students are quickly confirmed to satisfy businesses and employers and are officially invited to stay and work with an average starting salary of 6.5 million – 14 million/person/ month, reaching the rate of 70%.
The remaining 30% of intermediate students studying at Continuing Education Centers will take part in the upcoming National High School Graduation Exam. After completing the graduation requirements, they will also have many suitable job opportunities at businesses. In particular, they can also continue to study continuously to the College system and still go to school and work to hone their skills, constantly improve their qualifications and professional quality.
Currently, the labor market is always short of human resources in the professions that the school is training (Intermediate, College) such as: Welding, Metal Cutting, Automotive Technology, Industrial Electrical, Refrigeration Engineering and so on. Air conditioning, Mechatronics… Therefore, students of the school are an important human resource for businesses. 100% of enterprises with recruitment needs are interested in and accompany the school to participate in training and advanced training of specialized modules at enterprises. In addition, the enterprise also has a scholarship policy to attract skilled human resources.
Expressing his joy on the holiday, student Thanh said: “Practicing at an enterprise helps students to improve their skills a lot, especially having access to modern equipment, getting acquainted and learning. Ask for actual work experience. This is also an opportunity for students to assert themselves in front of businesses and be used by businesses even before graduation. BCTech is a practical choice, in line with the wishes of me and my family on the path to establishing a business.”
Besides cooperating with enterprises to participate in training, the school always promotes to improve training quality, innovate teaching methods of teachers and learning methods for students; focus on the application of active teaching methods. 100% of vocational modules are taught integrating theory with practice. Encourage self-study role of students, increase investment in facilities, new and modern training equipment, build a “green, clean, beautiful” learning environment and emulation movement. vocational skills in students.
The school’s job fair attracts 34 businesses with many big names FPT, Thaco Auto, Viettel, VNPT
The school also focuses on training and developing soft skills, moral training, sense of discipline, building behavior and culture in the learning and working environment such as actively learning foreign languages, computer science, etc. , technical safety at work … Many activities for students are organized such as: skills contest, art, blood donation, volunteer green campaign. Welfare regimes such as tuition fee exemption and reduction, scholarships to encourage study, etc. Many students have constantly made efforts to study and practice actively to participate in contests and volunteer movements.
The school’s system of facilities and training equipment is regularly updated, fully equipped, modern and practical, so it is good for students to study and practice vocational skills.
Out of 436 students who were recognized for graduation, there was 1 student with excellent rating of 0.2%; 16 excellent students achieved 3.7%; 227 good grades, reaching 52.1%; 192 types average 44.0%.
Recruitment associated with recruitment
Many programs implemented by the school such as: Street campaign to disseminate policy information, career opportunities at BCTech have become familiar from the city to the districts and towns in Ba Ria – Vung Tau province. Or emotional bus rides, transporting students graduating from middle and high schools and their parents to the school to visit and learn directly about vocational training models. From there, counseling helps them make the right choice, especially in accordance with their own capacity, to promote their strengths and passion for the chosen profession.
Many attractive job positions attract the interest of students
The message “Enrollment associated with recruitment” at the Career Day, Career Counseling and Orientation Day, which was integrated right in the graduation ceremony, became exciting and vibrant by the presence of students. students studying at the school. High school and junior high school graduates see job opportunities right in front of their eyes, with thousands of positions requiring skills in industries that help them realize the practical value of choosing an apprenticeship.
Hung – a student who just graduated from secondary school who attended the festival shared: “After a few times going to school, learning about professions, I chose Mechanical Engineering because it is quite suitable for me, as well as me. Realizing that many businesses really need workers in this profession”.
The job fair has the participation of 34 businesses, with many big names such as: FPT, Thaco Auto, Viettel, VNPT, Melia Viet Nam, Neway, Esuhai… The recruitment demand is up to thousands of positions. level from Intermediate to College. The school works closely with businesses to introduce jobs to students after graduation. In which, the school connects with the management board of industrial parks in the province in support and association with businesses for students to practice and work at the company; Job interview skills training…
More than 200 students of the school have applied for potential job positions
At the end of the job, counseling and career orientation day, more than 200 students of the school applied for job positions at businesses, with very potential job promotion opportunities. Many students and students are ordered/recruited by businesses before graduating.
“There is no best job, only the most suitable job”
With the goal of taking learners as the center, throughout the training process, the school always aims to be innovative and flexible in order to create high-quality human resources that can meet the requirements and market trends in each period. paragraph.
Sharing and encouraging students at the graduation ceremony, Master Truong Huynh Nhu – Rector of the school said: Never before has the job for employees become more challenging than in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic. last 19. Because of the effects of digitization and the development momentum of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the employment position of unskilled and low-skilled workers has been lost. We are facing a “flat world” with many challenges, but also many opportunities when we are ready to accept and adapt to new knowledge and new skills associated with digitalization and automation.
In that context, the students who have been, are and will be studying at BCTech, above all, must overcome themselves. The world of work does not have the best job, only the most suitable job for you to choose. Having obtained a BCTech diploma, they have met the exit criteria and are eligible to meet the needs of businesses, especially fastidious businesses like Japan.
BCTech’s “guideline” gives students true life values to improve themselves
- If you don’t make an effort, who will give you the future?
- There is no best job, only the most suitable job.
- The world has no failures, only temporary failures.
- Combine sweat and wisdom and you will be extremely powerful.
- Decide to take action, seize the opportunity immediately.
- Believe in yourself, you can do it all.
- If you decide to succeed, you will definitely succeed.
- Small things do your best, success comes naturally.
- When you realize you are wrong, you are growing up.
- The greatest value in human life is having fun at work.
- Even if you fail, you still have to hold your head high.